Contact Us

Please reach out at either 512-415-3004 or for inquiries about your custom design.

What are the
typical prices?

The price will vary depending on how long or complex the design process is. With that said, once the design is created, the typical cost per unit ranged from $15 to $25.

How long does
an order take
from start to finish?

Same with price, depending on the complexity of the request the design process completion time can take up to several weeks. Once the design is complete, we can create about anywhere from 5-15 pieces of the design a day. We will expand our ability to output more units per day soon.

What is 3D Printing?

3D printing is a form of additive manufacturing. The printer deposits heated plastic in layers incrementally until the entire volume of the 3D model is done. We are able to 3D print any thing we 3D model with up to 5 different colors.